Tuesday, December 18, 2012


So the location I chose for this shoot is actually a new piece of property we bought recently to use as a warehouse space and storage area. right now its all overgrown and beautiful and there's a nice little pond with trees all around it and sinking objects and old boots and such. allie is such a lovely model and i am glad i have all these pretty friends to photograph...

this is the original raw file i started out with

this is the 'during' phase : i used adobe lightroom to adjust the lighting a bit and i also used the sharpening tool and softening tool  

I then downloaded a stock image of the moon and used adobe photoshop for the final and 'major' editing  phase. in photoshop i also created a soft reflection of the moon onto the surface of the pond for a more realistic effect. i also darkened the image and adjusted the finishing light touches

thanks for viewing! hope this was interesting for you.