Tuesday, June 19, 2012

the first day

I want to try and explain the past two years of my life in photographs.
The wrecking, the sinking, and the surfacing that comes with growing into a woman from a child.
I think myself to be okay with words but I wanted to make this more than words because it is. The past two years of my life are probably similar to what most people go through at some point in their lives, but for some reason its a depth in which I don't really think words can do it justice. I'm kinda rusty, I personally think, with my photography as I have not invested my whole into it everyday these two years as I used to.
There comes a time when you have to chose which things in life begin to take precedence. And for me, I had no idea how to do that so I gave up on everything.
I'm learning about myself that I give up on things that aren't perfect, because I have a very obsessive personality with perfection. However, I am working on this, on changing my mindset to working really hard on things, whether I will ever be perfect or not... I have to, or else I am going to sink again and I don't think I could hold my breath that long for a second time.

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